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How to reverse audio in HitFilm

Reversing your audio is a neat way to alter your sound effects to create something completely new. Encode a hidden message in a mystery film, create your own ghostly whispers, or rewind your scene by playing your selected audio clip backward.

Reversing your audio is simple in HitFilm!

  1. Go into the Audio folder in the Effects panel
  2. Click on the Audio Reverse effect
  3. Drag the Audio Reverse effects onto your clip in the timeline

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Kirstie Tostevin

Kirstie Tostevin

I'm a writer, creator, and positive thinker! Together, we're making the industry more accessible and the world a brighter place through fun content and incredible software! It's a great day to be a creator.
Kirstie Tostevin

Kirstie Tostevin

I'm a writer, creator, and positive thinker! Together, we're making the industry more accessible and the world a brighter place through fun content and incredible software! It's a great day to be a creator.